Special Retreat with Fr. Peter West of Human Life International
You are invited to a Special Retreat with Fr Peter West, VP For Missions, Human Life International to be held September 20th – 22nd, 2012 at St Benedict Abbey, 252 Still River Road, Still River, MA 01467
In 2011, Father Peter West celebrated both his 20th anniversary as a priest, and 25 years of defending the right to life of the most vulnerable members of society. Fr. West came to HLI after 13 years with Priests for Life, with whom he served most recently as Associate Director.
Fr. West earned an M.A. degree in theology from Holy Apostles Seminary in Cromwell, CT and was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Newark in 1991. Father West is the founder and director of Amicus, a successful Catholic young adult group for men and women in their twenties and thirties. He also has experience in working with youth as a teacher and a youth group leader. In his pastoral ministry he has preached frequently on the topic of abortion and other life issues. He has been able to dissuade women from having abortions, and has helped women who have had abortions to find healing and peace.
He spent almost seven years in pastoral ministry before being released by Archbishop Theodore McCarrick to serve with Priests for Life, where he served from April 1998 until accepting the position of Vice President for Mission for HLI. In his 25 years of pro-life advocacy, he has spoken to both priests and laity at over 500 events, including presentations in all 50 states and in several nations worldwide. He has also appeared on radio and TV spreading the Gospel of Life.
For more information and to reserve your place use this form: Father Peter West Retreat2012